CEIA, Center of Experimentation and Information in Art, is an independent art initiative created by artist Marco Paulo Rolla and art historian Marcos Hill in Belo Horizonte in 2000. Since its inception, CEIA has been linked to RAIN, Rijksakademie Artists’ Initiatives Network, an international network headquartered at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts in Amsterdam, one of today’s top art schools in the world.
In Belo Horizonte, CEIA has so far carried out nine international plastic arts events, focusing on various languages and providing many local, national and foreign artists with learning and exchange spaces. Besides holding events, CEIA has also dedicated itself to producing books, and has already published eight works.
CEIA’s main goal is to boost the contemporary art production in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais and Brazil, through the elaboration of international events that, attracting artists from all over the world, may offer privileged moments of human and artistic exchange, aiming at facilitating the spread of information as well as of relevant experiences to individual and collective artistic creation processes.