MIP2 – International Performance Manifestation


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Throughout three whole weeks, MIP 2 – International Performance Manifestation – gathered over 60 artists from several nationalities who were able to live through intense learning and experimentation processes in the field of performance art through activities such as workshops, performance art shows, video-performance shows, and a cycle of lectures.

Perido: July 20th through August 9th, 2009.

Venue: the City Park, streets and squares around the city, Espaço Cento e Quatro, Funarte MG, Teatro Alterosa, and Inimá de Paula Museum, all in Belo Horizonte.


Funarte (Brazil);

104 (MG Brazil);

Antonio Mourão Guimarães Institute (MG Brazil);

Belo Horizonte City Council – Parks Foundation (MG Brazil);


VIVO (Brazil); State Law of Cultural Incentive (MG – Brazil);

Mondrian (Holland);

Hivos (Holland);

Doun (Holland);

Prince Claus Found (Holland);

Rijksakademie vanbeeldende Kusten (Holland);

Balin House Projects (London – England).

Participating Artists;

Andréa Dario (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Ayrson Heráclito (Salvador – BA)

Christian Duarte (São Paulo – SP)

Thelma Bonavita, Ana Luiza Dupas, Natalia Mallo (São Paulo – SP)

Cia. Hibridus (Ipatinga – MG)

Cristiane Oliveira (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Eduardo Guimarães Alvarez (São Paulo – MG)

Eugênio Paccelli and Margot Assis (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Grupo Empreza - GO

Louise Ganz and Breno Silva (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Marco Paulo Rolla (BH - MG)

Dudude Herrmann (BH - MG)

Paulo Nazareth (Santa Luzia – MG)

Samira Avilla (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Shima (São Paulo – SP)

Viviane Gandra and Marcelino Peixoto XEPA (Belo Horizonte – MG/Argentina)

Sonia Pedroso (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Mauricio Ianes (São Paulo – SP)

Tarcisio RAMOS and Gabriela Christófaro (Belo Horizonte – MG)

Eduardo Mendes (Belo Horizonte - MG)


Amalia Pica (Argentina)

Anawana Haloba (Zambia)

Dirk Jager (Holland)

Elke Veltman (Holland)

Mariëlle Videler (Holland)

Nezaket Ekici (Turkey – Germany)

Nina Yuen (Hawaii)

Rose Akras (Brazil – Holland)

Juan Der Hairabediam (Argentina)

Miguel Rodriguéz Sepúlveda (Mexico)

Francesca Grilli (Italy)

In addition to the guest artists, 22 artists/groups were selected to perform at the Open Space (space created by the event’s curatorship for the introduction of new artists). The selection was made through a public call, and gathered artists from several regions of the country who presented their works during the performance art week at MIP2. The selected proposals were held at Espaço Cento e Quatro, as well as at other public spaces in the city.

OPEN SPACE: Cento e Quatro

Cláudia Paim: “I’m afraid of those who only wish me well” (Porto Alegre, RS)

Daniel Saraiva: “Therapeutic Objects” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Felipe Salem: “Drift” (São Paulo, SP)

Letícia Grandinetti: “Object Drawing” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Nadam Guerra: “Self-portrait as thing” (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

Neto Machado: ‘Now it is shown what is not here” (Curitiba, PR)

Paulo Rocha: “It is only now that I recognize your beauty and I refuse to imprison any part of my life” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Raquel Versieux and Bárbara Ahonaji: “(come in): to see what is not seen” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Renato Negrão: ‘Ode to the Error” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Vicente Pessôa and Clarice Lacerda: “We – Simple Return” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

OPEN SPACE: urban space

Ana Luísa Santos: “Blue Afternoon” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Cinthia Mendonça: “Overabyss” (Olinda, PE) Viaduto Santa Tereza

Coletivo Dupla Face (Fernanda Goulart and Alexandre Rezende): ‘Léu’ (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Grupo Tronco: “Grooming Time” (Belo Horizonte, MG) Praça da Estação

Ieltxu Martinez Ortueta: ‘Extranjis’ (São Paulo, SP)

Juliana Capibaribe: “Dress” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Marcelle Louzada: “Garbage Landscape Body” (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Mavi Veloso e Estela Tiemy: ‘Sensorial’ (Londrina, PR)

Nina Caetano: ‘Baby Dolls’ (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Paola Rettore:”Womanhousetablebath” (Belo Horizonte, MG) Praça da Estação

Raíssa Ralola: “Interval of 7” (Juiz de Fora, MG)

Renato Barbosa de Almeida (Gaia): ‘Body-Bowl’ (Belo Horizonte, MG)

Vídeo Perfomance Show

A video performance show featuring over 50 video works was held.

Cycle of Lectures:

A cycle of lectures and roundtable debates was held from August 3rd through 9th, being:

Samira Avila (Brazil)

Suzana Vaz (Portugal)

Carla Zacanini + Marcos Hill + Luzia Gontijo (Brazil)

Cristina Tejo + Dirk Jager + Marielle (Brazil / Holland)

Workshops held:


Teacher: Mariëlle Videler – Plastic Artist and Performer (Holland)


Teacher: Dudude Herrmann – Body Artist and Choreographer (Brazil)


Teacher: Nezaket Ekici – Plastic Artist and Performer (Turkey – Germany)

Each workshop was attended by a total of 20 participants.

Coordination and Curatorship

Marco Paulo Rolla and Marcos Hill

Production Coordination

Patricia Imaculada de Matos

Jackie Castro

Assistant Producer

Merry Couto